The PERSEIDS camp out event also began as a family camp out. We enjoyed visiting hot springs so we could soak in the warm water all night and watch the shooting stars. We would make a weekend out of it and sometimes float the river and just have a fun family weekend during the Perseids peak meteor showers every August 12th.
We own a piece of property in Lava Hot Springs and John had told us a year before he passed when we were having the usual family conversation about when you die. We all had mentioned we wanted to be a tree on our property in Lava Hot Springs.
At that time we had a PERSEIDS camp out planned for August 11-13, so we kept the plan and we had the campout, we soaked in the springs, we floated the river, however, we added a tree planting ceremony on the PERSEIDS 2017. Fortunately out of the blue with no information about our family tree conversation, John's work donated a tree to the family.
In 2018 Dean, Grace & Bob purchased a piece of property in Duchesne UT, so we are having the PERSEIDS there this year due to far darker skies and therefore more shooting stars are visible.
We will plant John's tree in September at the LIBERTY campout September 7-9 Followed by a Spaghetti dinner and memorial concert on John's birthday.