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Be The Non-Reactive Presence

Channeling John, The Beloved
BLOG Published Sunday July 30, 2024

 From Empowerment
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Be The Non-Reactive Presence


When we live as the non-reactive Presence we stand in a solid place of awareness, we become aware of when our mind goes into a seedy neighborhood and we have the power within us to direct ourselves back to the peaceful meadow filled with flowers and singing birds. Only we can choose the inner environment of our consciousness, and we are empowered and free to choose what brings us joy.

We have the ability to speak peacefully with ourselves and with others even when dealing with differences and conflicting beliefs. Peace is truly a choice that is always available within us all. Powerfully standing in our own inner peace requires us to be the non-reactive presence… not allowing other’s reactions and opinions to trigger negative reactions or emotional responses within us.

When we have strong triggers, it is wise to realize we need to work through our own hurts and traumas rather than projecting blame towards others. To be responsible to do our inner work and heal our misperceptions that cause pain and reactivity within us.

I, Grace, had the opportunity in my youth to practice on the court, being the witness, the non-reactive presence. My mother volunteered to be that soul to give me practice. My mother had bipolar illness and would sometimes scream in my face with wild vengeance… she would pace the room, throw things around, the whole room torn apart and chaotic. I learned very quickly the best response sometimes is no response. Hurt for hurt and reacting to others reactivity never serve our highest expression. Two wrongs never make a right.

Being the non-reactive presence is taking the higher road, living as the adult, taking responsibility for our happiness and state of mind. We stand in our higher self and our true power as we witness and observe the people and circumstances around us without drama, without taking it personally, without making it all about ourselves. We put things in perspective and realize most everything is the small stuff. When we stand in our power as our higher adult self regardless of our age, we choose to take the higher path of peaceful presence at all times and in all circumstances.

 If our boundaries are disrespected or violated, we can be straight, powerful and clear and speak up for ourselves without becoming reactive and hurtful. It is not empowering to allow others to disrespect or violate us. We can practice self-love by being firm and standing up for ourselves while maintaining our peace. Always understanding if someone tries to physically hurt or rape you, you can kick them in the balls or the boobs.

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