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Channeling John, The Beloved
BLOG Published Sunday, September 8 2024

 From Empowerment
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You cannot defend and armor your heart and be wide open love simultaneously. To defend is to make an attack real. When you guard your heart you allow fear to take the place of love in the mind. Spirituality is about mastering the mind, body, heart and Spirit.  The joyous harmonic alignment of the mind, body, spirit's creative partnership within you.


In order to yoke and become one with Soul, Mind and Body you must first be clear in the distinction of what you are and where you have power. You are the eternal Soul, you are not the temporary body or ego mind… however your Soul can also be called Mind… the non physical place of oneness on the level of consciousness. When you realize you are not a brain or ego conditioning nor the body and personality, you discover where your power lies… in the Soul.


The Soul needs to master both the lower mind, physical and subtle body in order to attain sacred embodiment. When we become defensive we have taken on the belief that we are the body and mind believing we have been attacked or could be attacked and we feel threatened by this potential attack so we must guard ourselves... shut down our hearts.


You forget you are an eternal, invincible Soul Power and believe your power is external. When you forget your power is within and believe it is without, any external circumstance can spiral you into upset. You believe you are a victim, weak and threatened needing to protect yourself from the external world. When you believe you are a body that needs to be defended you forget where your safety dwells. Not in the body but in the heart, mind and soul. Your power and safety dwell in your choice to know the truth about yourself rather than the lies. The truth is that you are a powerful, infinite, all loving soul presence, not a vulnerable temporary and very limited body and brain.


Once you realize your power is within not without, you no longer need to defend your heart against the imagined external threats. The world you perceive is a reflection of your inner consciousness, if there is something you don’t like you can take responsibility and heal the source. Defenseless love will free you from attack, because if you are free and have no inner defenses, your world will reflect only love. When you know what you are as a God Vibration, a creative and empowered extension of Divine Source you don’t ever need to defend what you are… it is your Divine Right.


Your Thoughts become aligned with the Divine Self… your conscious awareness, the true and eternal Self. You then swim in the stream of God’s Thoughts… your highest will; Then your soul’s will and God’s will become one… the unified Will within all the Universe.

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