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The Grace rEvolution

Ecstatic Yoga

Ecstatic Life

Lava Hot Springs

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Registered Yoga Alliance School

Lava Hot Springs is a natural hot spring community nestled in the scenic mountains of Idaho, USA. The Portnuef river meandors through the center of town and quaint historic buildings line this hopping small village. You can hear the sounds of exhilaration as rafters float over the gentle rapids and  music fills the air from the local Wagon Wheel restaurant.  The hot springs with pebble bottom pools are set in a natural ambience lined by mountains and rich history.

John's Tree Planting

Lava Hot Springs


Lava Hot Springs Dates TBA

Optional Included Excursions:

Visits to local Hot Springs

Tubing down River

Local Concerts


Optional Included Excursions:

Rainforest Hike

Beach Visits


Snorkel Trip

Optional Included Excursions:

Visits to local Hot Springs

Tubing down River

Local Concerts


What You Will Learn:


* Flows & Sequences

* 8 Fold Path

* Adjusting Postures

* Leading A Yoga Class

* Kosha's/Nadi's/Chakras

* Bandha's

* Ethics

* Starting A Yoga Business

* Mudra's

* Anatomy/Physiology

* Yogic Lifestyle

Sample Daily Schedule

6 am -7 am                    Yoga Philosophy & Lifestyle                                       Ecstatic Asana                   

7 am – 9 am                   Morning Yoga Practice-                                           Ecstatic Meditation

9 am - 10 am                  Breakfast Break

10 am-1 pm                    Workshop Adjusting                                                 Postures/Leading a Class

1 pm -3 pm                     Lunch Break

3 pm -5 pm                     Workshop on Bandha’s,                                            Kosha;s & Ecstatic Breath

5 pm -7 pm                     Dinner Break

7 pm -8 pm                     Evening Asana Practice &                                          Ecstatic Chant



See Entire Schedule

Ecstatic Asana

Silent Disco Yoga

Sun Salutations

Warrior Flows

Balancing Flows

Standing Sequences

Floor Sequences

Leading A Class

Adjusting Students

Anatomy & Physiology

Ecstatic Breath





Energy, Life Force & Vitality

Ecstatic Dance

Spontaneous Movement

Spontaneous Postures

Ecstatic Union

Union with Divine Self

Union with the Present

Union with Life

Ecstatic Life

Eight Fold Path

Self Love Practice

Awakening Ceremony

Ecstatic Chant

Bhakti Yoga/Kirtan

Sacred Chant

Ecstatic Meditation


Raja Yoga

Hand Mudra's

Stillness Meditation

Yoga Nidra

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