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The Grace rEvolution

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training


Ecstatic Yoga


Ecstatic Life

Registered Yoga Alliance School

Ecstatic Yoga is a 200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified school also includes a Certified Ecstatic Breath and Certified Yoga Nidra Instructor. Ecstatic Yoga focus's on Whole Harmonious Union, embodying all aspects of  your being for the most ecstatic experience of life. Ecstatic Yoga includes Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Prana Yoga, and Union with your own Divine Being. You will be skilled in leading yoga classes that include asana's/postures, prana/breath, ceremonies, meditation and ecstatic dance. The intention of Ecstatic Yoga is to transform your relationship with your own Divine Self, connecting to the deeper aspects of Self that provide peace, fulfillment and living an Ecstatic Life. You will also be recognized in the Ecstatic Yoga lineage providing you with the ability to open your own Ecstatic Yoga Studio or School.

Ecstatic Yoga, Ecstatic Life

Includes 3 separate Certifications


200 hr Certified Ecstatic Yoga Instructor

Certified Ecstatic Breath Instructor

Certified Ecstatic Yoga Nidra Instructor



* Ecstatic Asana

* Ecstatic Breath

* Ecstatic Tantra

* Ecstatic Chant

* Ecstatic Dance

* Ecstatic Meditation

* Ecstatic Prayer

* Ecstatic Service

* Ecstatic Nidra

* Ecstatic Play

* Ecstatic Healing

* Ecstatic Ceremony


* Flows & Sequences

* 8 Fold Path

* Adjusting Postures

* Leading A Yoga Class

* Kosha's/Nadi's/Chakras

* Bandha's

* Ethics

* Starting A Yoga Business

* Mudra's

* Anatomy/Physiology

* Yogic Lifestyle

Sample Daily Schedule


6 am -7 am                    Morning Yoga Practice-Ecstatic Asana

7 am – 9 am                   Yoga Philosophy & Lifestyle- Ecstatic Meditation

9 am - 10 am                  Breakfast Break

10 am-1 pm                    Workshop Adjusting Postures & Leading a Class

1 pm -3 pm                     Lunch Break

3 pm -5 pm                     Workshop on Bandha’s, Kosha;s lines of energy & Ecstatic Breath

5 pm -7 pm                     Dinner Break

7 pm -8 pm                     Evening Asana Practice & Ecstatic Chant





See Entire Schedule

What You Will Learn


Ecstatic Asana

Silent Disco Yoga

Sun Salutations

Warrior Flows

Balancing Flows

Standing Sequences

Floor Sequences

Leading A Class

Adjusting Students

Anatomy & Physiology


Ecstatic Breath





Energy, Life Force & Vitality


Ecstatic Nidra

Connectedness with inner body

Focusing awareness inward

Activating chakras

Releasing wellspring of energy


Ecstatic Union

Union with Divine Self

Union with the Present

Union with Life


Ecstatic Life

Eight Fold Path

Self Love Practice

Awakening Ceremony


Ecstatic Chant

Bhakti Yoga/Kirtan

Sacred Chant


Ecstatic Meditation


Raja Yoga

Hand Mudra's

Stillness Meditation

Yoga Nidra


Ecstatic Dance

Spontaneous Movement

Spontaneous Postures





Optional Included Excursions:


Hiking the Wasatch Range

Visit The Great Salt Lake

Midway Hot Springs

Local Concerts

Beach visits to Deer Creek


Optional Included Excursions:


Visits to local Hot Springs

Tubing down River

Local Concerts


Optional Included Excursions:


Rainforest Hike

Beach Visits


Snorkel Trip

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